Friday, May 24, 2013

so today our assignment for our blog is to make a movie or a sitcom out of our life by casting actors as ourselves and friends. so as you can probably guess my movie will be along the lines of a princess story. i would probably have Jada Pinkett smith play me because who would'nt want Jada to play them, plus shes will smith's wife! um my friends would be played byAamanda Seyfried and Zooey Deschanel i would probably base the movie off of the princess and the frog because its down south and i would have the sound track of o brother where art thou because its one of my favorite movies and i love the music in it plus its old timey and i love the song go to sleep you little baby sung by the sirens.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Disney princess sketches, and beautiful ones at that.

ok so schools almost out and over the last year i really don't think i would've done anything differently. i'm happy with my grades and achievements. honestly i don't think i could have done any better not to toot my own horn but um I've had straight A's all year. i have always had good grades but never got ALL A's. this year has been awesome between my way too nice boyfriend Shane, all of the awesome people i have met, and all the fun times with my friends i can honestly say i wouldn't change a thing. but i am kind of scared and anxious of senior year so i guess we'll just have to wait and see. oh and by the way i watched El Dorado last night. i forgot all about this movie, it doesn't have any princesses in it but its still an awesome movie.